
Men at war assault squad 2 on a potato pc
Men at war assault squad 2 on a potato pc

men at war assault squad 2 on a potato pc men at war assault squad 2 on a potato pc

Aigle, who used a hose of disinfectant to clean their armor. They climbed the ladder back up into the street, and were met by Cpl. Slader informed them that rats reacted to vibrations, and that the Locust must be tunneling further down the sewer line. They encountered a large horde of rats near the ladder, which swarmed past their feet and deeper into the sewer Rossi asked if they usually travelled in large groups, and Marcus guessed the Locust had spooked them somehow. Rossi noted that would kill a lot of Locust, but Slader countered that it would also collapse the sewer system, making things even more miserable for civilians. Rossi suggested they could sue Scorchers to even the odds, but Slader pointed out that the sewer gas would ignite and send manhole covers shooting up all along the block. They headed back to the ladder that led to Almar Street, and Hoffman hoped they would not end up fighting in the sewer, since the Locust would have the advantage. Slader informed them that they would need to set up monitoring equipment in the sewer, but would also need to post Gears to patrol the sewer and that there was a risk the Locust could breach the metro or gas mains. Rossi was worried that the sewer was backing up due to how high the sewage was, but Marcus pointed out that it was still flowing outward.

men at war assault squad 2 on a potato pc

Lennard Parry, and Tyran National Utilities manager Slader into one of the outfall sewers in southern Ephyra to see what they could do about preventing the Locust from using it. Ten years after Emergence Day, Rossi accompanied Col. Do they usually hang around in gangs like that?" -Rossi, as hundreds of rats swarm through the sewer Investigating the Sewers " Wow, it's the whole ratty navy. He began to sleep with any woman that he could, but made sure never to take unfair advantage of them. Rossi went into a downward spiral for a year after her death, but eventually decided that it would be better to just live life to the fullest. 1.3.2 Battle of the Emerald Spar Platformīiography Locust War Losing Laurie Īround a decade after Emergence Day, Rossi's paramedic girlfriend Laurie was killed in a Locust attack while recovering bodies.

Men at war assault squad 2 on a potato pc